News and Updates
Congrats to Sophie! Her abstract "Activity-dependent overexpression of Egr1 in the hippocampus improves contextual memory in mice" was accepted for the Arizona College of Emergency Physicians (AzCEP) Annual 2025 Conference.
We want to congratulate Annika Ozols for exceling in her first year of medical school and knocking it out of the park! We have provided a link to her University of Arizona white coat profile to read all about her accomplishments!
Congrats to Sohie for being accepted into the 2024 summer scholar cohort!
We welcome Kate Bornstein and Lisa Williams to the lab!
Congrats Annika Ozols and Dr. Gallitano on the acceptance of the Data in Brief paper!
We officially welcome Sophie Wallace as our newest research techician in the lab!
Congratulations to Kimberly Meyers, PhD et al. for the publication of their paper "Serial electroconvulsive seizure alters dendritic complexity and promotes cellular proliferation in the mouse dentate gyrus; a role for Egr3" in the journal Brain Stimulation 2023!
Here is a link to the paper:
We want to congratulate Annika Ozols, MS for her acceptance into the MD PhD program! She has worked so hard for this accomplishment. We wish her the best of luck in this challenging endeavour!!
We want to congratulate Annika Ozols for completing her Masters Degree in Clinical Translational Sciences!
Ioseph Perez is a Flinn Foundation Scholar joining the lab for the summer 2023.
Sophie Wallace is our newest undergraduate volunteer.
The UArizona Graduate and Professional Student Council approved my application of GPSC Travel Grant - November 2022. The award was funded at the maximum amount allowed ($1000) by the GPSC for individual domestic travel. It was used to travel to the Society of Neuroscience conference 2022.
We want to welcome Monique Martenez! She joins the lab this spring for a rotation during her first year as a Clinical Translational Sciences PhD student.
We would like to welcome Dr. Ahmad Kareem Almekkawi to the lab as our new Postdoc!
Congats to all for the paper "Identification of activity-induced Egr3-dependent genes reveals genes associated with DNA damage response and schizophrenia" recently published in Translational Psychiatry August 2022!
Here is the link to the paper
Congratulations to Annika Ozols for her acceptance into the master’s program, ”Clinical Translational Sciences” starting fall of 2022 at the University of Arizona!
Congrats to Dr. Gallitano for the UArizona News article that was released.
Please use the link below to access the article.
Congrats to Dr. Gallitano for this article published on the Health Science Connect Website!
Follow the link below to read the article
We would like to welcome our newest members to the lab!
Aronee Hossain, Farah Shrourou, and Machila Dennis-Mohler.
Amelia is the second female to be promoted to tenured professor at the University of Arizona College of Medicine, Phoenix. For more information click the link.